Lean ISD

Faster, more strategic, for designers
Learn the modern lean approach to ISD (ADDIE) and start delivering better programs faster and more strategically.
Starts Jul 3 • 6-week program
Join leading designers and companies
and start creating more strategically today
How it works

Same ISD, radically different, better

Lean ISD builds on the iteration in ISD to incrementally create and deploy learning programs. It's still solid ISD, easier, and learning starts right away.
Lean ISD Competitive Advantage

Unparalleled strategic speed and impact to ISD and businesses

Lean ISD brings lean practices and modern tools to yield unparalleled strategic speed and impact to ISD and businesses.
Designers Matter

Reinvented for today's designers and teams

Lean ISD brings modern thinking and design practices to scaffold and empower design teams.
Specialized Toolkit

Modern tools for designers

Tools to accelerate and scaffold
A Class for Designers

Practical experiential learning

Join an inspiring cohort to discover and experience Lean ISD,
while you work on your own project.

Six-week program

The program takes you through the steps and tools from the start of a Lean ISD project to the completion of a release.
Week 1

Lean ISD Overview

Foundations and introduction to Lean ISD.

  • Lean and high-performance learning and design
  • Lean ISD approach overview
  • Lean ISD variations
  • Advantages and challenges

Assignment: Project idea and concept

Week 2

System Modeling: Lean Analysis

Discovery of strategic elements critical for system modeling.

  • System setting and context
  • Audience, needs, and motivations
  • Intentions, activities, tasks, and knowledge
  • Lean analysis canvas and validation

Assignment: Project lean analysis

Week 3

System Modeling: System Vision

Design of system vision and learning models.

  • Framing the design focus
  • Design patterns and architectures
  • Design modeling process and toolkit
  • Validation and iteration

Assignment: System vision and modeling

Week 4

System Modeling: System Plan

Validation of learning system plan and release cycles.

  • Rhythm, sprints, learner value, and feasibility
  • System plan and validation
  • Prioritization
  • Team and operational considerations

Assignment: System plan

Week 5

Model-driven Release Sprints

Creating and delivering a release unit, feature-set, episode, or revision.

  • Intent and lean design
  • Model-driven sprints and analysis-design
  • Evaluation and effective metrics
  • Re-prioritization and re-planning

Assignment: Project first release

Week 6

Wrap Up

Review and conclusion.

  • Lean mindset
  • Lean, learning, and learning design
  • Lean and performance systems
  • Conclusion

Elite Teaching Team

The experts that created Lean ISD. This program is presented by the experts that created the Lean ISD process.
The team is experienced leading innovation and learning programs for Government agencies, Fortune 500, and Universities, including DARPA, USAFA, NIH, the World Bank, and the French Department of Education.

Global leaders rely on us

Frequently asked questions?

Familiarity with instructional design will be helpful.
Technical requirements
You should be able to:
  • Communicate in English with peers remotely,
  • Access popular websites (youtube, linkedin, slack, twitter), and
  • Use common tools for remote work with peers (video-conferencing, email, slack...).

Join and learn while creating a project with Lean ISD

Join over 2,000 professionals who are already working with our products.